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210-489-0177 from Angry in SA
Received a call from Christi Masters from AT&T stating I owed AT&T $81.96 on a past due invoice for Feb 11th. Asked what the services were and she stated phone and internet. I don't have these services with AT&T I told her (my mistake) my services were with Time Warner then she proceeds to tell me AT&T bought out Time Warner and a notice had gone out in January. She stated she had placed a GR2 on my line and if she didn't receive a payment before hanging up my services would be disconnected. I verified my address and told her I was not going to pay. She stated her General Manager, Darryl Ward, would call me back. I asked for a remit to address (she didn't know what that was) and after I explained it to her she provides me with an address that is a residential address and not a PO Box. I contacted both TW and AT&T and, as I already knew, am in good standing with both. I called the number back but it's a cell with no message other than a generic one stating you have reached 210-489-0177.... She did provide me with a toll free number to call but this just legitimizes the call, the number belongs to AT&T on the residential side.
I really hope people verify information when they are called about past due amounts. This person thought they had gotten lucky when they contacted us but that was her mistake. I hope her GM does call me, he won't know what hit him after I'm done with him.