
Who is calling you from 1 5179312348? Report this phone number by leaving your comment below. Read other comments about 1(517)931-2348.

517-931-2348 from al
They called me several times with some automatic message saying my name had been drawn to win a trip to a Costa Rica, Florida or Cancun Resort for $99. If I am interested, I need to dial 1. This is the 1st time I was home to actually push 1, the other 5-6 times, I just kept getting the same message. So, this time I pressed 1 and someone answered and said I had been entered into a draw. They said are you interested, and I said yes. Then they asked for my name and phone number. When I said, didn't you just say that my name has been pulled out of a draw and didn't you just call me, the guy got defensive and said look, are you interested or not. So I gave my 1st name and phone number. Then I said I wanted to know exactly what was included in my $99. So I was transfered. The next guy, named "JAKE" said again that my name had been drawn and then I asked well then why didn't you guys have my name and he replied, we do, it's... (then he said my name) and I said I had just given my name to the 1st guy. Jake just sort of ignored my question and said everything I needed to know about the "deal": resort, 5 days, flight not included... And he said he was calling from Costa Rica. I then asked for their website and was transfered to another person named "JASON". He told me they were from RCI.COM. And I went there as we spoke. The site looked legit enough and he told me to go to villasol.com and look at some photos of where I could go anytime within the next 4 years on this one time offer. I said didn't I win this and didn't you guys call me several times, but just got the answering machine. Once again, my question was sort of ignored and he said $297 for me and 3 friends. What is your credit card number? I thought it seemed fishy and said no thanks, not interested. Why? he asked. Because I don't have the money right now, my card is almost maxed out. Well, I'll make you a deal, $197 for you and 3 friends. Wow, I know that's an amazing offer, but I just couldn't say yes, seemed too weird. So I said, can you send me all of this in writing to my email account and then I'll accept. He said I would get all of this once I paid but not before, so I said not interested and hung up. Then I looked on my call display: 517-931-2348 is in Michigan, not Costa Rica. Not sure if this is a scam, but sure seems like it.

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